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Friday, August 8, 2014

What Are You Passionate About?

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Today was my last day working at the real estate office.  Real Estate is an industry I've been working in for several years now - first as a Licensed Realtor, then as an Executive Assistant for a local lender, then as the Administrative Assistant for a title and escrow company, and finally back to the real estate office as an Executive Assistant /Transaction Coordinator for a real estate team.  It's what I've been good at - assisting others in this industry doing the marketing, organizing events, coordinating transactions from a-z  (scheduling inspections, ordering reports, working with plumbers, roofers, inspectors, county offices, clients, etc),  assisting in the preparation of legally binding contracts and much more.  The thing is, this was NOT my PASSION.  I never woke up excited to get to the office.  I couldn't find joy in doing this each day and I grew stronger in my belief with each passing day just knowing I would have to change this quickly or be miserable.  Well I don't know about anybody else, but if I am to be authentic and real - I have to choose to live my life doing what I have passion for!

I have always known that I was meant to accomplish something meaningful.  What I had been doing in the various places of employment never felt "meaningful" in a way that made me feel really great or inspired me.  Yet that IS who I am... a woman who finds great passion in helping others on a far deeper level - in a way that FEELS meaningful.  My jobs actually prevented me from doing what I am passionate about - and that is helping empower people by lifting their spirits and showing them how to love themselves and their lives!  I am a natural emotion-based life coach, not a secretary!  To sit in a small office and stare at a screen with little to no opportunity to be with people in person and on a personal level was really beginning to dull my senses and frustration was eating me from the inside out.

I voiced my concerns to my sweetheart and to my family, friends and fellow life coaches multiple times.  Each tried to encourage me in one way or another and I was being stubborn!  I wasn't even sure EXACTLY why, though I had strong inklings about my reasons.  I began to ask myself some really important questions around this and slept on it and stewed about it and prayed about it... the big questions being:
1.  Are you going to be happy doing what you're doing forever?  
2.  Are you going to love your work where you're at?  
3.  Are your bosses going to allow you to make your own schedule and work with the people you want to and be paid to do what you love? 
and MOST importantly:
4.  Are you being completely authentic with yourself and others if you don't choose to do what you know is the right choice for you???

Ummm  NO, I clearly had to admit to myself!!!   And after all of that internal banter, I finally decided to allow myself to state simply "I'm going to do what I am PASSIONATE about!"  I laid it out there to everyone my intention to let go of my fears and do my life-coaching full time.   I know this is the best way to honor who I am and to honor my higher power - to be completely authentic.  I cannot allow what anybody else thinks define who I am.  I cannot allow fear of the unknown to prevent me from striving towards that which I am passionate about any more.  I know that this is where my true success in life is going to come from.  No more denying it.

So BRING IT UNIVERSE!  I am ready to live my life passionately and will be successful because of it - this I know.  Sure does feel great! 


Tell me... What are you passionate about? 


  1. I am doing what I am passionate about and I can't wait to get to it in the morning and have to tear myself away so I live a balanced life. I too am passionate about coaching and training coaches and you are one of the best. Right on, Woman!

  2. Thank you Maia. I am very excited and living a balanced life is definitely what I strive for. I am one of the best because I had the best coach trainer there is!!!

  3. Gina, a wonderful testimony here of following your calling and passion. I can feel your determination and courage to move into the life you've always wanted. I aplaude you, fellow coach.

  4. Gina I am proud to say you are a colleague and friend of mine. I am so glad to hear that you are now following your passion. A place where you can shine like you should. Big Hug you deserve it

  5. Congratulations Gina. You have written from the heart and I truely wish you well as a Life coach.
    You asked a simple question at the end of your blog entry what am I passionate about. For me its card making,and learning,learning learning, whatever I can.Through becoming a graduate at You university changed my life. I learned I could be ME now I am ready to learn more just not sure what direction to go. I don't consider that I have it to be a life coach and surprsingly I really enjoy doing my junk mail delivering job.
    Would love to talk with you privately about my continuing journey. Feel free to email me at
    All the best for your new life journey.
    Cheers Carol Johnston New Zealand

    1. Thank you so much for your comments Carol! I love that you have a passion for card making and learning. I once had a word processing business (before personal computers were a hot item) and enjoyed creating cards as well as other marketing pieces along with helping college students in writing reports and in preparing resumes. I would love to talk with you about your continuing journey. I will email you - thanks!

  6. Congratulations Gina. What a wonderful testimony. The journey you are on is going to be very rewarding

    1. Yes I believe it will be VERY rewarding Thabi. Thank you so much for reading and for your encouragement & continued support.
