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Friday, April 22, 2011

Choosing Healthy Relationships

I spent some time over the past couple of days "un-friending" people on Facebook and it felt really good! I had been thinking about it for a while and realized that it was long overdue. Time to 'clean house' you could say! I noticed that many 'friended' me as a potential referral and I had done the same for a time. Some of these have become great business 'partners' and we do refer to each other; some started up chats with me and we ended up really enjoying each others 'company.' I choose to keep these networking friends.

But there were many that I either never heard from or discovered over a period of time that I didn't particularly 'like' due to the things they wrote about. Some, I believe, were only interested in constantly trying to sell me something and some only wanted more friends to play online games with. These 'friends' served no purpose, so they were easy to 'un-friend'.

Funny, I really have taken a good, hard look at the people I surround myself with lately... even online. What I have discovered is that I really do have many great friends!!

I thought about lots of 'mini' conversations that have taken place over the last several months with my online network of friends and realize that each of them inspires me in some way. After meeting online and over a period of time, I created some really great 'working' relationships with so many from all walks of life and have had the privilege of finally meeting many of these amazing people in person. I truly feel blessed.

I am pleased with my ability to be true to myself, set my personal boundaries, and simply enjoy the friends I want to surround myself with. It is worth every moment of self-reflection I have done to know that the friends I choose to keep are truly worthy of my time and energy.

Meet my amazing life coach and mentor Maia Berens

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