Carry out a personal development plan to transform your life

Monday, January 17, 2011

My journey has only just begun

I am on a journey to discover the real ME.  The journey started the day I was born, but just recently I decided that it was time to look more deeply into "why" I am who I am. 

I began some serious soul searching about 2 years ago when I experienced a nervous breakdown that was the beginning of a new chapter in my life.  I was 43 years old, struggling with mid-life crisis and a fresh 'empty nester'.  I was asking myself some very serious questions about who I am and what I want to do when I grow up!  Now that my 4 grown kids were out on their own adventures, I simply didn't know what my place was on this planet.  I realized I didn't know ME at all!

I began researching several different programs and reading a myriad of books in search of something I could relate to...  something that could help me in discovering my passions, my calling. 

One day I came across a FREE journaling community and began reading people's blogs.  I liked what I was reading.  Real people, from all walks of life - many who were on a similar journey in their lives.  This is where my story begins. 

As I journaled and became more and more familiar with all the information available to me through this site, I uncovered a treasure.  An amazing "Fairy Godmother" whose name is Maia Berens came to life for me in her movie and emotion-based coaching site, You University.  This blog will be about my experiences as I go through this coaching and train to be a life coach myself. 

Follow me in my journey as I make major transformations in my life from a victim mentality to a woman who is learning to love herself again and discovering the real ME finally!

You, too, can transform your life.  Start here:  FREE Journaling


  1. Hi Gina. I love your blog. I love finding you here, and I love how you share your journey. Thanks for sharing. You are amazing.

  2. I love it Gina. I look forward to sharing your journey with you.

  3. Even though I know some of your journey, I can't wait to read more!

  4. I love it Gina!! I am inspired to get on the ball and create mine now, that you and Maggie have such awesome ones.
