Carry out a personal development plan to transform your life

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Recently my life coach, Maia Berens, asked me to describe how You University has changed my life in the couple of months since I started my journey.  Following is my response:

Since making the decision to join You University, my life has changed for the better in the following ways:

  • I am more aware of the physical manifestation of feelings that are not being expressed in a loving and healthy way.
  • I realize when I need to use tools given to me through You U...
  • I am beginning to really notice my thoughts - when I begin to see old "negative" thought patterns, I immediately begin to think "what tool would be best for me right now?" This helps me to shift more towards loving, positive thoughts more quickly.
  • I am beginning to really look for ways to be more loving to myself - purposely choosing to take care of ME.
  • I am definitely seeing and following my intuitive side much more than I was.
  • Those closest to me are seeing the difference. I have had more people approach me to find out what it is that I am doing. I believe that it is obvious to others that I am feeling better about myself - even if they cannot really pinpoint what it is they are seeing. I know that I am sending out more positive thoughts and it shows.
  • I am beginning to take steps necessary for better health.. I have started meditating, am drinking more water and have made the decision to quit smoking. I have researched and gathered information to help me in getting healthier.
  • I am no longer afraid to fail - I realize now that life truly is a school and that I create what is manifested in my life. I will learn something valuable if I don't succeed at something right away.
  • I now realize that I need to recognize my willingness or lack thereof and to recommit to my decisions on a daily basis.
  • I am excited about my future again!!
  • I have learned that I am worthy... HUGE

This is so empowering! I knew that I was changing and growing... I just didn't really think to take stock in it and now realize that the changes and the shifting is much greater than I could have imagined it would be! I truly believe this list could go on...
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  1. Gina, you are so wonderful and I love working with you. You inspire me on my journey too.

  2. I love this list I have felt the same way and you put it so well. Thank you for sharing! You are fabulous!
