Carry out a personal development plan to transform your life

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What Do I Want?

As I seek to define my purpose, I am reminded of a list I recently wrote to myself when asked "What Do You Want?" I will share it here. Perhaps within this list is the beginnings of discovering my true purpose.

What do I want?

I want to be filled with God, light, energy and Love
I want to earn an income sufficient so that David can retire early if he chooses to do so.
I want to leave a legacy of positive energy and love.
I want to write my life story and what I have learned to give my family.
I want to help others learn WHO they truly are, to become empowered and to love themselves.
I want to sing in a choir and become involved with music in my community.
I want to enjoy more time traveling, and in nature.
I want to travel to Ireland, Italy, and the tropical vacation resorts around the world.
I want to be able to support myself and feel independent for my own personal gratification and fulfillment.
I want to love myself unconditionally.
I want to forgive my father, mother, and others who have hurt me in the past, but especially to forgive myself.
I want to share the love of God.
I want to live near my children and grandchildren and be there for them emotionally when they need me to be.
I want to live my life of passion and purpose.
I want to break the cycles of abuse and dysfunction I received as a child.
I want to encourage my children and grandchildren to love themselves and their lives and to be happy.
I want to be grateful for all I've learned in life and give thanks to God for each and every blessing.
I want to be healthy ~ physically, spiritually and emotionally.

Since writing this list, I am already beginning to see some of these items happening for me. It is my work through You U which has made the difference. I can now focus on what my purpose truly is ~

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